food holly and ash tree

Slow Cooked Beef Curry-Stew of Indeterminate Origin

In my long years reading recipes books and attempting to cook things, I have come to a realisation. And that realisation is this: the problem with chefs (and others who know about cooking) writing recipes is that they just can’t think about it from the point of view of someone lacking both in natural talent …

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I Tried to do the Lemon Detox Diet

Thank god it’s February. In January, with the fug of regret and guilt and failed personal betterment following everyone about like that terrifying child in The Grudge, it’s impossible to admit to the fact that you have about as much self control as a firework that’s been let off in a small room. But February …

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The Russian Oligarch’s Tempted Secretary, Chapter 1

This is the very first chapter of my unfinished erotic novel, and undisputed classic I published many moons ago on my old blog.  Angelica Flaps twisted uncomfortably in her seat. It had been two weeks since she had started her secretarial role at Vanks and today was a day she had been dreading. Twiddling with …

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